free software resistance

 the cost of computing freedom is eternal vigilance

### *original date:* oct 2014 *orginally posted:* sep 2024 the idea of dib isnt basic was pretty simple- i was showing people how to make python script equivalents of basic programs, by creating somewhat compatible functions for common basic commands, then calling those functions from python. then i started making toy languages that would translate to such calls and include the functions. dib was an early one, the point was pretty much to do a simple translator. ``` #!/usr/bin/env python #### dib isn't basic #### license: creative commons cc0 1.0 (public domain) #### ## sample program (loops are next) # # cls # thisisastring hello there # print thisisastring # oka 1 # okb 2 # okc 3 # bcolor 3 # write oka okb okc  # fcolor 5 # os ls | tail -5 # fcolor 4 # print thisisastring thisisastring # #################################### import os, time, sys print "\n"*10 print "dib isn't basic v0.1 2014 mennonite" print tmp = "" print "open a .dib file -", tmp = raw_input() tmp = tmp.split(" ")[0] what = "" for part in tmp:     if part <> " ":         if part in "qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp1234567890_-.": what += part  tmp = "" if what == "" or len(what) < 5: what = "dib" if what[-4:] <> ".dib": what += ".dib" try: dibfile = open(what).readlines() except: dibfile = [] print "\x1b[1;32mtranslating to python..." res = ['active','goback','print','cls','write','fcolor','bcolor','os'] tmpfile = open("/tmp/" + what + ".tmp", "w") tmpfile.write("#!/usr/bin/env python\n") tmpfile.write("\n") tmpfile.write("""import os, time, sys def color(f, b):     n = "0"     if f > 7:n="1" ; f=f-8     if f==1:f=4     elif f==4:f=1     if f==3:f=6     elif f==6:f=3     if b > 7:b=b-8     if b==1:b=4     elif b==4:b=1     if b==3:b=6     elif b==6:b=3     sys.stdout.write("\x1b["+n+";"+str(30+f)+";"+str(40+b)+"m") global fcolor global bcolor fcolor, bcolor = 7, 0 """) colorused = 0 for line in dibfile:     cmd = ""     if len(line.strip()):        cmd = line.rstrip().split(" ")[0].lower()           print "cmd: " + cmd        #time.sleep(0.1)        if cmd not in res:            cmdless = "\"" + line[len(cmd):].strip() + "\""            tmpfile.write("global "+cmd+"\n" + cmd + " = " + cmdless + "\n")        elif cmd == "print":            cmdless = ", ".join(line[len(cmd):].strip().split(" "))            tmpfile.write("print " + cmdless + "\n")        elif cmd == "cls":            tmpfile.write("sys.stdout.write(\"\\x1b[2J\\x1b[1;1H\")\n")        elif cmd == "write":            cmdless = " + ".join(line[len(cmd):].strip().split(" "))            tmpfile.write("sys.stdout.write(" + cmdless + ")\n")        elif cmd == "fcolor":            cmdless = line[len(cmd):].strip().split(" ")[0]            tmpfile.write("fcolor = " + cmdless + "\ncolor(fcolor, bcolor)\n")            colorused = 1        elif cmd == "bcolor":            cmdless = line[len(cmd):].strip().split(" ")[0]            tmpfile.write("bcolor = " + cmdless + "\ncolor(fcolor, bcolor)\n")            colorused = 1        elif cmd == "os":            cmdless = "\"\"\" " + line[len(cmd):].strip() + " \"\"\""            tmpfile.write("os.system(" + cmdless + ")\n") if colorused: tmpfile.write("color(7, 0)\n") tmpfile.close() print "\x1b[0;37m" p = os.system("cat /tmp/" + what + ".tmp") print "---" print "\x1b[1;32mrunning " + what + ".tmp...\x1b[0;37m"  p = os.system("python /tmp/" + what + ".tmp") os.remove("/tmp/" + what + ".tmp") ``` license: 0-clause bsd ``` # 2014 mn # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ``` =>