free software resistance
the cost of computing freedom is eternal vigilance
### fig
*original date:* dec 2015
*originally posted:* sep 2024
this is fig 2.9, "unpatched" as it was originally created.
the diff for this file vs what has become the "official version" is:
< from os import system as stf ; p = stf("touch e")
> # from os import system as stf ; p = stf("touch e") patched june 2016
the commented line was for debugging, and the "patched" version went out for distribution:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
#### license: creative commons cc0 1.0 (public domain)
proginf = "fig 2.9, dec 2015 mn"
import sys
import os
from sys import stdin, stdout
from os import popen
try: from colorama import init ; init()
except: pass
buf = []
def outfilewrite(outb, p):
outb += [p]
#global vrck
#vrck += p.strip()
#if inle: print color(5, 0) + p.rstrip() ; p=raw_input() ; quit()
def color(f, b):
if f == None: f = 0
if b == None: b = 0
n = "0"
if f > 7: n = "1" ; f = f - 8
if f == 1: f = 4 ## switch ansi colors for qb colors
elif f == 4: f = 1 ## 1 = blue not red, 4 = red not blue, etc.
if f == 3: f = 6
elif f == 6: f = 3
if b > 7: b = b - 8
if b == 1: b = 4
elif b == 4: b = 1
if b == 3: b = 6
elif b == 6: b = 3
stdout.write("\x1b[" + n + ";" + str(30+f) + ";" + str(40+b) + "m")
return "\x1b[" + n + ";" + str(30+f) + ";" + str(40+b) + "m"
def bcolor(b):
f = None
if f == None: f = 0
if b == None: b = 0
n = "0"
if f > 7: n = "1" ; f = f - 8
if f == 1: f = 4 ## switch ansi colors for qb colors
elif f == 4: f = 1 ## 1 = blue not red, 4 = red not blue, etc.
if f == 3: f = 6
elif f == 6: f = 3
if b > 7: b = b - 8
if b == 1: b = 4
elif b == 4: b = 1
if b == 3: b = 6
elif b == 6: b = 3
stdout.write("\x1b[" + n + ";" + str(30+f) + ";" + str(40+b) + "m")
return "\x1b[" + n + str(40+b) + "m"
def sgn(p):
p = float(p)
if p > 0: return 1
if p < 0: return -1
return 0
def left(p, s):
return p[:s]
def right(p, s):
return p[-s:]
def leftfour(p):
if left(p, 4) == chr(32) * 4: p = right(p, len(p) - 4)
return p
def atleast(s, p):
if p < s: return s
else: return p
def figfsp(p):
pp = "" ; flg = 0
fsp = figfsplit(p)
for fp in enumerate(fsp):
if flg == 0 and fp[1] in cmds.keys():
pp += color(8,0) + "_" + color(7,0) + " " ; flg = cmds[fp[1]]
if flg < 0: flg = flg * -1
else: flg = flg + 1
pp += fp[1] + " "
if flg > 0:
flg -= 1
if flg == 0 and fp[0] + 1 < len(fsp):
pp += color(8,0) + "_" + color(7,0) + " "
return pp.rstrip().replace(color(8,0) + "_" + color(7,0) + " " + color(8,0) +
"_" + color(7,0), color(8,0) + "__" + color(7,0)).replace(color(8,0) + "_" +
color(7,0),color(8,0) + "__" + color(7,0))
def figfsplit(p):
# return p.split() # that was fine when strings weren't tokens
# we have to make this 3 tokens: variable "hello, world!" #comment not string
px = []
pxc = -1 # could use len(px) -1 instead?
inquotes = 0
remarked = 0
inspc = "" ; vnspc = ""
#print "->", p
for l in p:
if inquotes == 0 and remarked == 0 and l == "#":
remarked = 1
pxc += 1 ; px += [""]
if remarked == 1:
px[pxc] += l
if remarked == 0:
if l == "\"":
if inquotes == 0:
inquotes = 1 ; pxc += 1 ; px += [""]
else: inquotes = 0 #; px[pxc] += l
if inquotes == 1: px[pxc] += l
if remarked == 0 and inquotes == 0:
if vnspc not in "1234567890-" + chr(32) and l[0] == ".": l = " "
vnspc = l
if l[0] in "():;|=,": l = " "
if inspc != " " and l == " ": pxc += 1 ; px += [""]
if l != " ":
if pxc == -1: pxc += 1 ; px += [""]
px[pxc] += l.lower()
inspc = l
#print "->", px[:]
while ('') in px: px.remove('')
while (':') in px: px.remove(':')
for p in range(len(px)):
if px[p][0] != "#":
if right(px[p], 1) == ":":
lenpx = len(px[p]) - 1
if lenpx > 0:
px[p] = left(px[p], lenpx)
return px[:]
def nob(p, s):
r = ""
if s == len(p) - 1:
if len(p):
if p[s].rstrip() != ".": r = p[s].rstrip()
if len(r):
if r[-1:] == ".": r = left(r, len(r) - 1)
pfig = ""
try: pfig = left(p[s], 3)
except: pfig = ""
if pfig.lower() == "fig" and p[s].lower() != "fig": return "figg"
if r != "": return r
else: return p[s]
except: return ""
def snobl(p):
if "\"" in p: return p
else: return p.lower()
def snob(p, s):
r = ""
if s == len(p) - 1:
if len(p):
if p[s].rstrip() != ".": r = p[s].rstrip()
if len(r):
if r[-1:] == ".": r = left(r, len(r) - 1)
pqt = ""
try: pqt = left(p[s], 3)
except: pqt = ""
if pqt.lower() == "fig" and p[s].lower() != "fig": return "figg"
if r != "": return snobl(r)
else: return snobl(p[s])
except: return ""
def lnob(p, s):
r = ""
if s == len(p) - 1:
if len(p):
if p[s].rstrip() != ".": r = p[s].rstrip()
if len(r):
if r[-1:] == ".": r = left(r, len(r) - 1)
pfig = ""
try: pfig = left(p[s], 3)
except: pfig = ""
if pfig.lower() == "fig" and p[s].lower() != "fig": return "figg"
if r != "": return r.lower()
else: return p[s].lower()
except: return ""
def stripcoords(p):
ps = ""
for s in str(p):
if s in "1234567890.": ps += s
return ps
def getmore(p, s):
for t in range(1, s + 1):
if len(p) == 1: p = []
p = right(p, len(p) - 1)
while "" in p: p.remove("")
for prx in range(len(p)):
if p[prx][0] == "#":
return p
except: return []
def getlmore(p, s):
for t in range(1, s + 1):
if len(p) == 1: p = []
p = right(p, len(p) - 1)
while "" in p: p.remove("")
return p
except: return []
def getpairs(p, s):
r = ""
if len(p):
if p[len(p) - 1].rstrip() != ".": r = p[len(p) - 1].rstrip()
if len(r):
if r[-1:] == ".":
r = left(r, len(r) - 1)
p[len(p) - 1] = r
p = right(p, len(p) - s)
if not len(p) % 2: return p
else: return []
except: return []
def lc():
global linecount
global flen
es = " \x1b[0;37;40m"
return "\x1b[0;37;44m" + right(chr(32) * flen + str(linecount), flen) + es
def wr(p):
global buf
buf += [p + "\n"]
color(11, None) ; print proginf; color(7, None) ; print
addtoout = [0]
addto = [0]
addtoout[0] = """import sys, os
from sys import stdin, stdout
from sys import argv as figargv
try: from colorama import init ; init()
except: pass # (only) windows users want colorama installed or ansi.sys enabled
from random import randint
from time import sleep\n\n
from os import chdir as figoch
from os import popen as figpo
from os import system as figsh
from os import name as figosname
figsysteme = 0
figfilehandles = {}
figfilecounters = {}
addtoout += [0] ; addto += [0]
addtoout[1] = """from sys import stdout
def figlocate(x, l = "ignore", c = "ignore"):
import sys
if l == "ignore" and c == "ignore": pass
# do nothing. want it to return an error?
elif l < 1 and c != "ignore":
sys.stdout.write("\x1b[" + str(c) + "G") # not ansi.sys compatible
elif l != "ignore" and c == "ignore":
sys.stdout.write("\x1b[" + str(l) + ";" + str(1) + "H")
else: sys.stdout.write("\x1b[" + str(l) + ";" + str(c) + "H")
import time
def fignonz(p, n=None):
if n==None:
if p == 0: return 1
if p == 0: return n
return p
def fignot(p):
if p: return 0
return -1
figbac = None
figprsbac = None
sub = None
def fignone(p, figbac):
if p == None: return figbac
return p
return -1
def stopgraphics():
global yourscreen
global figraphics
figraphics = 0
try: pygame.quit()
except: pass\n
addtoout += [0] ; addto += [0]
addtoout[2] = """palette = {}
palette["black"] = (0, 0, 0)
palette["gray"], palette["grey"] = (0, 0, 0), (85, 85, 85)
palette["blue"], palette["lightblue"] = (0, 0, 170), (85, 85, 255)
palette["green"], palette["lightgreen"] = (0, 170, 0), (85, 255, 85)
palette["cyan"], palette["lightcyan"] = (0, 170, 170), (85, 255, 255)
palette["red"], palette["lightred"] = (170, 0, 0), (255, 85, 85)
palette["magenta"], palette["lightmagenta"] = (170, 0, 170), (255, 85, 255)
palette["brown"], palette["yellow"] = (170, 85, 0), (255, 255, 85)
palette["white"], palette["lightwhite"] = (170, 170, 170), (255, 255, 255)\n"""
addtoout += [0] ; addto += [0]
addtoout[3] = """figraphics = -1
figrupd = 1
try: import pygame
except: figraphics = 0
yourscreen = ""
try: pygame.init()
except: figraphics = 0 # unable to init pygame, just use text
def figpset(z, x, y, c):
global figraphics, figrupd
global yourscreen
global figcgapal
if figraphics == -1:
yourscreen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
pygame.display.set_caption("fig graphics screen")
figraphics = 1
stopgraphics() ; figraphics = 0
if figraphics == 0:
if x > -1 and y > -1:
figcolortext(c, c)
figlocate(0, int(y) + 1, int(x) + 1) ; stdout.write(unichr(9608))
if figraphics == 1:
if x > -1 and y > -1:
yourscreen.set_at((x, y), figcgapal[c]),(255, 255, 255),(int(x), int(y)), 1, 0)
if figrupd: pygame.display.update()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
figraphics = 0
def figline(z, x, y, x2, y2, c):
global figraphics, figrupd
global yourscreen
global figcgapal
if figraphics == -1:
yourscreen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
pygame.display.set_caption("fig graphics screen")
figraphics = 1
stopgraphics() ; figraphics = 0
if figraphics == 0:
if x > -1 and y > -1 and x2 > -1 and y2 > -1:
figcolortext(c, c)
if x2 < x: x, y, x2, y2 = x2, y2, x, y
figliney = [y, y2]
figlinec = 0
figlinestep = int(y2 - y)
if figlinestep < 0: figlinestep = int(y - y2) ; figlinec = 0
if figlinestep < 1: figlinestep = 1
figlinestep = float(1) / figlinestep
figlinex = x
while 1:
if figlinex > x2: break
if y2 - y == 0:
figlocate(0, int(y) + 1, int(figlinex) + 1)
elif y2 < y:
figlinec -= figlinestep
figlocate(0, int(y + int(float(y - y2) / fignonz(x2 - x,.1) *
fignonz(figlinec,.1) ) ) + 1, int(figlinex) + 1)
figlocate(0, int(y + int(float(y2 - y) / fignonz(x2 - x,.1) *
fignonz ( figlinec,.1) ) ) + 1, int(figlinex) + 1) ;
figlinec += figlinestep
#[0] = figliney[0]+float(figliney[1] - figliney[0]) / (x2 - x)
figlinex += figlinestep
figlocate(0, int(y) + 1, int(x) + 1) ; stdout.write(unichr(9608))
figlocate(0, int(y2) + 1, int(x2) + 1) ; stdout.write(unichr(9608))
if figraphics == 1:
if x > -1 and y > -1 and x2 > -1 and y2 > -1:
yourscreen.set_at((x, y), figcgapal[c])
pygame.draw.line(yourscreen, figcgapal[c], (x, y), (x2, y2), 1)
if figrupd: pygame.display.update()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
figraphics = 0
def anykeypyg():
global yourscreen
global figraphics, figrupd
p = 0
while not p:
if figraphics == 0: break
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if figrupd: pygame.display.update()
p = 1\n\n"""
addtoout += [0] ; addto += [0]
palette = {}
palette["black"] = (0, 0, 0)
palette["gray"], palette["grey"] = (0, 0, 0), (85, 85, 85)
palette["blue"], palette["lightblue"] = (0, 0, 170), (85, 85, 255)
palette["green"], palette["lightgreen"] = (0, 170, 0), (85, 255, 85)
palette["cyan"], palette["lightcyan"] = (0, 170, 170), (85, 255, 255)
palette["red"], palette["lightred"] = (170, 0, 0), (255, 85, 85)
palette["magenta"], palette["lightmagenta"] = (170, 0, 170), (255, 85, 255)
palette["brown"], palette["yellow"] = (170, 85, 0), (255, 255, 85)
palette["white"], palette["lightwhite"] = (170, 170, 170), (255, 255, 255)
textpalette = {}
textpalette["black"],textpalette["gray"], palette["grey"] = 0, 8, 8
textpalette["blue"], textpalette["lightblue"] = 1, 9
textpalette["green"], textpalette["lightgreen"] = 2, 10
textpalette["cyan"], textpalette["lightcyan"] = 3, 11
textpalette["red"], textpalette["lightred"] = 4, 12
textpalette["magenta"], textpalette["lightmagenta"] = 5, 13
textpalette["brown"], textpalette["yellow"] = 6, 14
textpalette["white"], textpalette["lightwhite"] = 7, 15
# -2: print(variable, etc)
# -1: print(variable), 0: variable = int(variable), 1: variable=left(variable, etc)
cmds = {"ltrim":0, "lineinput":0, "len":0, "asc":0, "atn":0, "str":0,
"get":1, "chr":0, "prints":-1, "sleep":-2, "arrsort":-1,
"arreverse":-1, "reverse":0, "display":-1, "system":-1, "end":-1,
"print":-1, "arrset":-3,
"split":2, "left":1, "join":2, "arrget":2, "mid":2, "right":1,
"plus":1, "times":1, "close":-1, "cls":-1, "flineinput":1, "fprint":-2,
"open":-2, "arropen":1, "arrstdin":0, "arrcurl":1, "colortext":-2,
"highlight":-2, "divby":1, "hex":0, "rtrim":0, "string":2, "timer":0, "command":0,
"time":0, "date":0, "tan":0, "oct":0, "val":0, "minus":1, "lcase":0, "ucase":0,
"int":0, "left":1, "swap":-3, "locate":-3, "pset":-4, "line":-6,
"return":-2, "randint":2, "topwr":1, "arr":0, "mod":1, "cos":0,
"not":0, "sin":0, "instr":2, "chdir":-1, "shell":-1, "arrshell":0,
"sgn":0, "sqr":0}
funcs = {"function" : -1, "iftrue" : -2, "ifequal" : -3, "ifless" : -3,
"ifmore" : -3, "try":0, "except":0, "resume":0, "else":0}
ufunc = {}
#addfuncs = addtoout[0] + addtoout[1] + addtoout[3] + """
addfuncs = """
def figcolortext(x, f):
b = 0
if f == None: f = 0
if b == None: b = 0
n = "0"
if f > 7: n = "1" ; f = f - 8
if f == 1: f = 4 ## switch ansi colors for qb colors
elif f == 4: f = 1 ## 1 = blue not red, 4 = red not blue, etc.
if f == 3: f = 6
elif f == 6: f = 3
if b > 7: b = b - 8
if b == 1: b = 4
elif b == 4: b = 1
if b == 3: b = 6
elif b == 6: b = 3
stdout.write("\\x1b[" + n + ";" + str(30+f) + "m")
return "\\x1b[" + n + ";" + str(30+f) + ";" + str(40+b) + "m"
figcgapal = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 170), (0, 170, 0), (0, 170, 170),
(170, 0, 0), (170, 0, 170), (170, 85, 0), (170, 170, 170),
(85, 85, 85), (85, 85, 255), (85, 255, 85), (85, 255, 255),
(255, 85, 85), (255, 85, 255), (255, 255, 85), (255, 255, 255)]
def figget(p, s): return s
def fighighlight(x, b):
f = None
if f == None: f = 0
if b == None: b = 0
n = "0"
if f > 7: n = "1" ; f = f - 8
if f == 1: f = 4 ## switch ansi colors for qb colors
elif f == 4: f = 1 ## 1 = blue not red, 4 = red not blue, etc.
if f == 3: f = 6
elif f == 6: f = 3
if b > 7: b = b - 8
if b == 1: b = 4
elif b == 4: b = 1
if b == 3: b = 6
elif b == 6: b = 3
stdout.write("\\x1b[" + n + str(40+b) + "m")
return "\\x1b[" + n + str(40+b) + "m"
def figinstr(x, p, e):
try: return p.index(e) + 1
except: return 0
def figchdir(p):
try: figoch(p)
except: print "no such file or directory: " + str(p) ; figend(1)
def figshell(p):
global figsysteme
try: figsysteme = figsh(p)
print "error running shell command: " + chr(34) + str(p) + chr(34)
def figarrshell(c):
global figsysteme
figsysteme = 0
sh = figpo(c)
ps = + chr(10),
chr(10)).replace(chr(13), chr(10)).split(chr(10))
figsysteme = sh.close()
print "error running arrshell command: " + chr(34) + str(c) + chr(34)
return ps[:]
def figsgn(p):
p = float(p)
if p > 0: return 1
if p < 0: return -1
return 0
def figstr(p): return str(p)
def figprint(p): print p
def figchr(p):
if type(p) == str:
if len(p) > 0:
return p[0]
return chr(p)
def figprints(p): stdout.write(str(p)) ; sys.stdout.flush()
def figleft(p, s): return p[:s]
def figmid(p, s, x):
arr = 0
if type(p) == list or type(p) == tuple: arr = 1
rt = p[s - 1:x + s - 1]
if arr and len(rt) == 1: rt = rt[0]
return rt
def figright(p, s): return p[-s:]
def figrandint(x, s, f):
return randint(s, f)
def figlcase(p): return p.lower()
def figucase(p): return p.upper()
def figint(p): return int(p)
def figarrset(x, p, s):
if 1:
#if type(p) == str: p = p + s # str(s) if you want it easier
if 1: #type(p) == list:
if type(s) == tuple:
if len(s) == 1: fas = s[0]
elif type(s) == list:
if len(s) == 1: fas = s[0]
fas = s
x[p - 1] = s
#if type(p) == tuple:
# if type(s) == tuple:
# p = tuple(list(p) + list(s))
# elif type(s) == list:
# p = tuple(list(p) + s[:])
# else:
# p = tuple(list(p) + [s])
#if type(p) == str: p = p + s # str(s) if you want it easier
def figopen(x, s):
import fileinput
if s.lower() == "w":
if (x) not in figfilehandles.keys():
figfilehandles[x] = open(x[:], s.lower())
elif s.lower() == "r":
if (x) not in figfilehandles.keys():
figfilehandles[x] = fileinput.input(x[:])
figfilecounters[x] = 0
if (x) not in figfilehandles.keys(): figfilehandles[x] = open(x[:], s[:])
def figfprint(x, s):
fon = figosname
sep = chr(10)
if fon == "nt": sep = chr(13) + chr(10)
figfilehandles[s].write(str(x) + sep)
def figflineinput(x, s):
p = figfilehandles[s][figfilecounters[s]].replace(chr(13),
"").replace(chr(10), "")
figfilecounters[s] += 1
p = chr(10)
return p
def figclose(x):
if (x) in figfilehandles.keys():
figfilehandles[x].close() ; del figfilehandles[x]
try: del figfilecounters[x]
except: pass
def figcls(x):
if figosname == "nt": cls = figsh("cls")
else: stdout.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H") ; sys.stdout.flush()
def figarropen(x, s):
x = open(s).read().replace(chr(13) + chr(10), chr(10)).replace(chr(13),
return x[:]
def figarrcurl(x, s):
from urllib import urlopen
x = str(urlopen(s).read()) ; x = x.replace(chr(13) + chr(10),
chr(10)).replace(chr(13), chr(10)).split(chr(10))
return x[:]
def figarrstdin(x):
ps = []
for p in stdin: ps += [p[:-1]]
return ps[:]
def figarrget(x, p, s):
if 1:
return p[s - 1]
def figplus(p, s):
if type(p) in (float, int):
if type(s) in (float, int):
p = p + s
p = p + s # float(s) if you want it easier
if p == float(int(p)): p = int(p)
if type(p) == str: p = p + s # str(s) if you want it easier
if type(p) == list:
if type(s) == tuple:
p = p + list(s)
elif type(s) == list:
p = p + s[:]
p = p + [s]
if type(p) == tuple:
if type(s) == tuple:
p = tuple(list(p) + list(s))
elif type(s) == list:
p = tuple(list(p) + s[:])
p = tuple(list(p) + [s])
return p
def figjoin(p, x, s):
t = ""
if len(x) : t = str(x[0])
for c in range(len(x)):
if c > 0: t += str(s) + str(x[c])
return t # s.join(x)
def figarr(p):
if type(p) in (float, int, str):
p = [p]
p = list(p)
return p
def figsplit(p, x, s):
return x.split(s)
def figval(n):
n = float(n)
if float(int(n)) == float(n): n = int(n)
return n
def figtimes(p, s):
if type(p) in (float, int):
p = p * s # float(s) if you want it easier
if p == float(int(p)): p = int(p)
if type(p) == list:
p = p[:] * s # figval(s)
p = p * s # figval(s) if you want it easer
return p
def figdivby(p, s):
p = float(p) / s
if p == float(int(p)): p = int(p)
return p
def figminus(p, s): return p - s
def figtopwr(p, s):
p = p ** s
if p == float(int(p)): p = int(p)
return p
def figmod(p, s):
return p % s
def figcos(p):
from math import cos ; p = cos(p)
if p == float(int(p)): p = int(p)
return p
def figsin(p):
from math import sin ; p = sin(p)
if p == float(int(p)): p = int(p)
return p
def figsqr(p):
from math import sqrt ; p = sqrt(p)
if p == float(int(p)): p = int(p)
return p
def figltrim(p): return p.lstrip()
def figlineinput(p): return raw_input()
def figlen(p): return len(p)
def figasc(p): return ord(p[0])
def figatn(p):
from math import atan ; p = atan(p)
if p == float(int(p)): p = int(p)
return p
def fighex(p): return hex(p)
def figrtrim(p): return p.rstrip()
def figstring(x, p, n):
if type(n) == str: return n * p
return chr(n) * p
def figtimer(p):
from time import strftime
return int(strftime("%H"))*60*60+int(strftime("%M"))*60+int(strftime("%S"))
def figtime(p): from time import strftime ; return strftime("%H:%M:%S")
def figdate(p): from time import strftime ; return strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
def figcommand(p): return figargv[1:]
def figtan(p):
from math import tan ; p = tan(p)
if p == float(int(p)): p = int(p)
return p
def figoct(p): return oct(p)
def figsleep(p, s):
#print lc () + p
#addto[0] = 1
def figarrsort(p):
def figdisplay(x):
global figraphics, figrupd
figrupd = 0
if figraphics == 1:
def figreverse(p):
if type(p) == list: p.reverse() ; return p
elif type(p) == str:
p = map(str, p) ; p.reverse()
p = "".join(p)
return p
def figarreverse(p):
def figfunction(p, s): return p
def figend(x): quit()
def figif(p, s): return p
def figthen(p, s): return p
def figsystem(x): quit()
demo = """
p 7 arr times 5
x "hello, world!"
#z x prints
#z x print
x 5
x 5 times 7
x 3 plus 5 times 7
z x abs
x z str asc abs int
function hello p | # function hello(p)
x "hello, " | # x = "hello, "
x prints return 5 | # print x; : hello = 5 : exit function
fig | # end function
x hello x | # x = hello(x)
#x if 5```````````````` # if x = 5 then
#p "five" print```````` # p = "five" : print p
#else`````````````````` # else
#p "not 5 or 7" print`` # p = "not 5 or 7" : print p
#fig````````````````````# end if
c command print
#y x````````````````````# y = x
#y chr 70 mid y 1 1```` # y = chr(70) : y = mid(y, 1, 1)
#x print sleep 2 cls````# print x : sleep 2 : cls
p print
p print arrset 2 8 print
z join p "(_)" print
x z print
p print end
#p "hello, world!" left 5 ucase locate 5 7 prints # comment comment
#y 100 chr rtrim print
#z 32 chr print print print swap y p
#x int plus 5 times 7 colortext 11 highlight 1 prints
#y 32 highlight 0 colortext 14 chr prints
#x 97
#y 97 plus 25
#for n x y 1
#for p x y 1
#for pp x y 1
#z n chr prints
#z p chr prints
#z pp chr prints
#z 32 chr prints
#z 32 chr print
# y 10 print # these indents are optional, they don't do anything
# iftrue y
# break # this command breaks from while, never from if
# fig
# wend
function pete
p "hello" print
function add5 r
x get r plus 5 return x
#z pete
#y 12
#p z add5 y colortext 7 print sleep 1
function ppp
z 32 chr print
for p 1 100 1
x randint 0 3
y randint 0 3
c randint 1 9
#z pset x y c
c colortext 7
z ppp
z sleep 1
z ppp sleep 2 z ppp
p = ""
try: p = right(sys.argv, 1)[0]
except: pass
if not ".fig" in p.lower():
#try: inputfile =, "").split("\n")
#print "need an input file to do anything..."; print ; quit()
print "using built-in demo source, translating to" ; print
p = "demo.fig"
inputfile = demo.replace(chr(13), "").split("\n")
inputfile = open(p).read().replace(chr(13) + chr(10),
chr(10)).replace(chr(13), chr(10)).split(chr(10))
except: print "couldn't open \"" + p + "\", exiting." ; print ; quit()
try: outfile = open(p + ".py", "w")
except: print "couldn't write to \"" + p + ".py" "\", exiting." ; print ; quit()
outname = p + ".py"
flen = len(str(len(inputfile)))
linecount = 0
indent = 0
inlinep = 0
inle = 0
errorin = 0
errorsrc = ""
error = ""
mode = 0
figraphics = -1 # -1 = uninitialized, 0 = textmode, 1 = initialized
vrs = []
vr = ""
outb = []
ingfx = 0
linesoutc = 0
for p in inputfile:
linecount += 1 ; vrop = 0 ; vrcl = 0
if linecount == 1:
outfile.write("#!/usr/bin/env python" + "\n# encoding: utf-8\n")
if "," in proginf:
outfile.write("# fig translator version: " + proginf.split(",")[0] + "\n")
if inlinep:
if p.lower().strip() == "fig":
inlinep = 0
print lc() + p
indent = atleast(0, indent - 4)
print lc() + color(2, None) + p + color(7, None)
#% write copied lines of inline python
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent - 4) +
leftfour(p) + "\n")
elif mode == "output the following:":
if p.lower().strip() == "display":
mode = 0
print lc() + p
wr(chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "print \"" + p.replace(chr(34),
"\" + chr(34) + \"").replace(chr(92), "\" + chr(92) + \"") + "\"")
print lc() + p.replace(chr(34), "\" + chr(34) + \"").replace(chr(92),
"\" + chr(92) + \"")
elif mode == 0:
x = figfsplit(p.lstrip())
lp = p.lower()
if not len(p):
print lc() + ""
#% write copied blank lines from inline python
outfilewrite(outb, "\n")
if len(p.lstrip()):
e = 0
if p.lstrip()[0] == "#":
if linecount == 1:
es = 0
if p.lstrip()[1] == "!": es = 1
except: es = 0
if not es:
print lc(), figfsp(p)
else: print lc() + "[this first comment isn't copied over]"
es = 0
#% write comments
#print color(14, 0) + p + color(7,0) ; znul = raw_input() #$
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + p + "\n")
print lc(), figfsp(p)
elif lnob(x, 0) == "figg":
e = 2
#elif lnob(x, 0) == "wait":
# e = 1 # watch for errors in structure
# seconds = 0
# try: seconds = float(lnob(x, 1)) ; e = 0
# except: pass
# if e == 0:
# print lc() + p
# addto[0] = 1
# wr(chr(32)*atleast(0, indent) + "sleep(" + str(seconds) + ")")
# else:
# if lnob(x, 1) == "key":
# e = 0
# wr(chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "anykeypyg()")
# print lc() + p
elif lp.rstrip() == "python":
indent += 4
inlinep = 1
print lc() + p
if not lnob(x, 0) == "figg":
if lnob(x, 0) != "fig" and not lnob(x,
0) in cmds.keys() and not lnob(x,
0) in funcs.keys() + ["forin", "for", "function", "nextin",
"next", "while", "wend"] + ["break", "pass"]:
if not lnob(x, 0) in vrs: vrs += [lnob(x, 0)[:]]
#% write variable
#var: print color(14, 0) + "variable:" + lnob(x, 0) + color(7,0) ; znul = raw_input() #$
outfilewrite(outb, "\n")
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
"figlist = 0\n")
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
"try: figlist = int(type(" + lnob(x, 0) + ") == list)\n")
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
"except NameError: pass\n")
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
"if not figlist: " + lnob(x, 0) + " = 0 \n")
if lnob(x, 0) == "fig":
#print lc () + p
#% write? its whitespace
indent = atleast(0, indent - 4)
if lnob(x, 0) == "wend":
#print lc () + p
#% write? its whitespace
indent = atleast(0, indent - 4)
if lnob(x, 0) == "next":
#print lc () + p
#% write? its whitespace
indent = atleast(0, indent - 4)
if lnob(x, 0) == "nextin":
#print lc () + p
#% write? its whitespace
indent = atleast(0, indent - 4)
if lnob(x, 0) == "try":
#print lc () + p
#% write try line
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "try:\n")
indent = atleast(0, indent + 4)
if lnob(x, 0) == "else":
#print lc () + p
#% write else line
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent - 4) +
if lnob(x, 0) == "except":
#print lc () + p
indent = atleast(0, indent - 4)
#% write except line
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
indent = atleast(0, indent + 4)
if lnob(x, 0) == "resume":
#print lc () + p
#% write? its whitespace
indent = atleast(0, indent - 4)
if lnob(x, 0) == "while":
#print lc () + p
#% write simple loop
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
"while 1:\n")
indent += 4
if lnob(x, 0) == "function" and len(getmore(x, 1)) > 0:
#print lc () + p
mkf = []
funcname = getlmore(x, 1)[0]
prm = 1
while 1:
aprm = getlmore(x, 1)[prm]
if len(aprm):
if aprm[0] != "#":
mkf += [aprm]
if aprm not in vrs: vrs += [aprm[:]]
prm += 1
except: break
ufunc[funcname] = mkf[:] #; print ufunc # #
#print ufunc
#print len(ufunc[funcname])
#% write func def
#$ print color(14,0)+ "def " + funcname + "(" + ", ".join(mkf) + "):" + color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "def " +
funcname + "(" + ", ".join(mkf) + "):\n")
indent += 4
if lnob(x, 0) == "for" and len(getmore(x, 1)) == 4:
#print lc () + p
gmro = getlmore(x, 1)[0]
gmrt = getlmore(x, 1)[1]
gmrh = getlmore(x, 1)[2]
gmrf = getlmore(x, 1)[3]
if gmro not in vrs: vrs += [gmro[:]]
if "." not in gmrf and (gmrf.strip()) not in ("0",
"0.0", "-0") and "." not in gmrt and "." not in gmrh:
#% write standard for loop
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent)
+ "for "
+ gmro + " in range(int(float(" + gmrt +
")), int(float(" + gmrh + ")) + figsgn(" + gmrf +
"), fignonz(int(float(" + gmrf + ")))):\n")
#% write for loop that allows floating step
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + gmro
+ " = float(" + gmrt + ") - float(" + gmrf + ")\n" +
chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "while 1:\n" + chr(32) *
atleast(0, indent + 4) + gmro + " += float(" + gmrf +
")\n" + chr(32) * atleast(0, indent + 4) + "if " +
gmrf +
" > 0 and " + gmro + " > float(" + gmrh + "): break\n"
+ chr(32) * atleast(0, indent + 4) + "elif " + gmrf +
" <= 0 and " + gmro +
" < float(" + gmrh + "): break\n")
indent += 4
if lnob(x, 0) == "forin" and len(getmore(x, 1)) == 2:
#print lc () + p
gmro = getlmore(x, 1)[0]
gmrt = getlmore(x, 1)[1]
if gmro not in vrs: vrs += [gmro[:]]
#% write forin command with params
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "for " +
gmro + " in " + gmrt + ":\n")
indent += 4
if lnob(x, 0) == "break":
#print lc () + p
#% write break command
#$ print
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) *
atleast(0, indent) + "break\n")
if lp.rstrip() == "graphics":
ingfx = 1
#% write change to default mode (dont suppress gfx)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
"figraphics = -1\n")
figraphics = -1
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
"figpset(0, -1, -1, 0)\n")
#print lc () + p
if lnob(x, 0) == "textmode":
#print lc () + p
addto[3] = 1
#% write change to text mode (suppress graphics)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
"figraphics = 0\n")
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
figraphics = 0
if lnob(x, 0) == "pass":
#print lc () + p
#% write pass command
#$ print
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) *
atleast(0, indent) + "pass\n")
if lnob(x, 0) == "iftrue":
#print lc () + p
#% write iftrue
#$ print color(14,0) + "if " + snob(x, 1) + " > " + snob(x, 2) + ":\n"+ " ; " +color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "if " +
snob(x, 1) + ":\n") ; indent += 4
if lnob(x, 0) == "ifequal" and len(getmore(x, 1)) == 2:
#print lc () + p
#% write ifequal
#$ print color(14,0) + "if " + snob(x, 1) + " > " + snob(x, 2) + ":\n"+ " ; " +color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "if " +
snob(x, 1) + " == " + snob(x, 2) + ":\n") ; indent += 4
if lnob(x, 0) == "ifless" and len(getmore(x, 1)) == 2:
#print lc () + p
#% write ifless
#$ print color(14,0) + "if " + snob(x, 1) + " > " + snob(x, 2) + ":\n"+ " ; " +color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "if " +
snob(x, 1) + " < " + snob(x, 2) + ":\n") ; indent += 4
if lnob(x, 0) == "ifmore" and len(getmore(x, 1)) == 2:
#print lc () + p
#% write ifmore
#$ print color(14,0) + "if " + snob(x, 1) + " > " + snob(x, 2) + ":\n"+ " ; " +color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) + "if " +
snob(x, 1) + " > " + snob(x, 2) + ":\n") ; indent += 4
if lnob(x, 0) in cmds.keys(): # + ufunc.keys():
e = 4 ; shln = lnob(x, 0)
if lnob(x, 0) != "fig" and lnob(x,
0) not in funcs.keys() + ["forin", "for", "function",
"nextin", "next", "while", "wend"] + ["break", "pass"]:
#print lc () + p
vr = lnob(x, 0)
#print vr, type(vr)
#print getlmore(x, 1)
prsc = 0
cstrctr = 0
csbuf = []
vrcs = ""
for prs in getlmore(x, 1):
#$ print prs
if "fig" in prs:
if prs[:3] == "fig": e = 2 ; break ; break
if prs in funcs.keys():
e = 3 ; shln = prs
prsc += 1
if cstrctr > 0:
vrcs += prs
cstrctr -= 1
if cstrctr == 0:
if lnob(x, prsc - 1) == "return":
#% write return command
#$ print color(14,0) +vrcs + " ; " +color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0,
indent) + vrcs)
elif lnob(x, prsc - 2) == "swap":
vrcs = lnob(x, prsc - 1) + ", " + lnob(x,
prsc - 0) + " = " + lnob(x,
prsc - 0) + ", " + lnob(x, prsc - 1)
#% write swap of 2 vars in python syntax
#$ print color(14,0) +vrcs + " ; " +color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0,
indent) + vrcs + " ; ")
if figprsbac in ufunc.keys():
#% write parametered func call
#$ print color(14,0)+ vrcs + ") ; " + lnob(x, 0) + " = fignone(" + lnob(x, 0) + ", figbac) ; " +color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0,
indent) + vrcs + ") ; " + lnob(x, 0) +
" = fignone(" + lnob(x, 0) +
", figbac) ; ") ; vrcl += 1
#% write builtin func call assignment
#$ print color(14,0)+ vr + " = " + vrcs + ") ; " +color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) *
atleast(0, indent) + vrcs + ") ; ") ; vrcl += 1
vrcs += ", " #; print "*"
if prs.lower() in funcs.keys() + ["forin", "for",
"function", "nextin", "next", "while",
"wend"] + ["break", "pass"]:
e = 3
figprsbac = None
if prs.lower() in vrs and cstrctr == 0:
#and len(getmore(x, 1)) == 1:
#% write lefthand variable assignment
#$ print color(14,0)+ vr + " = " + prs.lower() +color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
vr + " = " + prs.lower() + "\n")
if prs[0] == "\"":
#% write string assignment (any place in shared line)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
vr + " = " + prs + " ; ")
if prs[0] in ".1234567890-":
#% write numerics
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
vr + " = " + prs + " ; ")
if prs[0] == "#":
#% write trailing comments #$ print color(14, 0) + prs + color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, prs + "\n") ; break
if prs.lower() in ufunc.keys():
#% write pre-func-call var backup for sub-style behavior #$ print color(14, 0) + "figbac = " + lnob(x,0) + " ; " + color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0, indent) +
"figbac = " + lnob(x,0) + " ; " ) # ##
figprsbac = prs.lower()
cstrctr = len(ufunc[prs])
#print cstrctr
if cstrctr == 0:
#% write zero-param func/?sub call
#$ print color(14, 0) + vr + " = " + prs.lower() + "() ; " + lnob(x, 0) + " = fignone(" + lnob(x, 0) + ", figbac) ; " + color(7,0)
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) *
atleast(0, indent) +
vr + " = " + prs.lower() + "() ; " + lnob(x, 0) +
" = fignone(" + lnob(x, 0) + ", figbac) ; ") # #
#print "y"
vrop += 1
vrcs = vr + " = " + prs.lower() + "("
#$ print color(4, 0) + vr + " = " + prs.lower() + "(" + color(7,0) #$
if prs.lower() in cmds.keys():
if prs.lower() in ["display", "pset", "line"]:
ingfx = 1
##print prs
cstrctr = cmds[prs]
##print cstrctr
if cstrctr == -1:
#% write zero-param subs
#print color(14, 0) + "fig" + prs.lower() + "(" + vr
#+ ") ; " + color(7,0) ; #znul = raw_input() #$
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) *
atleast(0, indent) + "fig" +
prs.lower() + "(" + vr + ") ; " ) ; vrcl += 1
if cstrctr == 0:
#% write zero-param functions
#print color(14, 0) + vr + " = fig" + prs.lower()
#+ "(" + vr + ") ; "+ color(7,0) ; #znul = raw_input() #$
outfilewrite(outb, chr(32) * atleast(0,
indent) + vr +
" = fig" + prs.lower() + "(" + vr + ") ; " ) ; vrcl += 1
if cstrctr < -1:
if prs == "return":
cstrctr = abs(cstrctr) - 1
vrcs = "return " #parameter
cstrctr = abs(cstrctr) - 1
if prs == "swap": vrcs = "swap "
vrop += 1
vrcs = "fig" + prs.lower() + "(" + vr
vrcs += ", " #multiparameter
vrop += 1
vrcs = vr + " = fig" + prs.lower() + "(" + vr
vrcs += ", " #multiparameter
if vrop == vrcl and e == 0:
print lc(), figfsp(p)
#% finish each line with lf
outfilewrite(outb, "\n")
print lc() + p
e = 2
# if not len(error):
# error = "error: unknown command."
# errorin = linecount
# errorsrc = p
# print lc () + "unknown:", p
#vrck = len(outb)
# if "(" in vrcs and vrck == 0:
# e = 1
#except: pass
if e == 1:
e = 0
if not len(error):
error = "error: problem in command structure or details."
errorin = linecount
errorsrc = p
print lc() + color(14, 0) + str(p) + color(7, 0)
if e == 2:
e = 0
if not len(error):
error = "error: cannot create variable or function beginning"
error += " with \"fig\""
errorin = linecount
errorsrc = p
print lc() + color(14, 0) + p + color(7, 0)
if e == 3:
e = 0
if not len(error):
error = "error: single-line command \"" + shln + "\" not on own line"
errorin = linecount
errorsrc = p
print lc() + color(14, 0) + p + color(7, 0)
if e == 4:
e = 0
if not len(error):
error = "error: shared-line function \""
error += shln + "\" cannot be used to start a line"
errorin = linecount
errorsrc = p
print lc() + color(14, 0) + p + color(7, 0)
if vrcl != vrop:
e = 0
if not len(error):
error = "error: a command has the wrong number of parameters."
errorin = linecount
errorsrc = p
print lc() + color(14, 0) + str(p) + color(7, 0)
#for p in range(len(addtoout)):
# if addto[p]: outfilewrite(outb, addtoout[p])
#for p in buf:
# outfilewrite(outb, p)
if ingfx == 0: addtoout[3] = ""
outfile.write(addtoout[0] + addtoout[1] + addtoout[3] + addfuncs)
for outsb in outb: outfile.write(outsb)
if errorin:
print error ; color(14, None) ; print "error in line " + str(errorin) + ":"
color(7, None)
print errorsrc
from os import system as stf ; p = stf("touch e")
try: os.system("chmod +x \"" + outname + "\"")
except: pass
color (11, None) ; print "translation complete. ", ; color(7, None)
print "here's a python script you can run: ",
print color(11, None) + outname + color(7, None)
# BINARY rb+
# PAINT # seek rset put palette
license: 0-clause bsd
# 2015 mn
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.