free software resistance

 the cost of computing freedom is eternal vigilance

### *originally posted:* jan 2025 includes history at the top when gemlinks are used. ### please be careful if using older versions of she. as of this posting on january 2025, this is the latest version. ``` #!/usr/bin/pypy2 # coding: utf-8 # Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024, 2025 mn, fcr # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see import os from sys import argv, stdin import Tkinter as tk import tkFileDialog as filedialog class Menubar: def __init__(self,parent): menubar = tk.Menu(parent.master) parent.master.config(menu = menubar) file_dropdown = tk.Menu(menubar) file_dropdown.add_command(label = "New File", command = parent.new_file, accelerator = "Ctrl+N") file_dropdown.add_command(label = "Open File", command = parent.open_file, accelerator = "Ctrl+O") file_dropdown.add_command(label = "Save", command =, accelerator = "Ctrl+S") file_dropdown.add_command(label = "Save As", command = parent.save_as, accelerator = "Ctrl+Shift+S") file_dropdown.add_separator() file_dropdown.add_command(label = "Quit", command = parent.master.destroy, accelerator = "Ctrl+Q") about_dropdown = tk.Menu(menubar) about_dropdown.add_command(label = "About", command = parent.about) menubar.add_cascade(menu = file_dropdown, label = "File") menubar.add_cascade(label = "About/Jankari", menu = about_dropdown ) class PyText: def __init__(self,master): self.ver = "2.0" self.saferbrowse = 1 self.histlimit = 10 self.hist = [] master.title("untitled - she " + self.ver + " - path:" + os.getcwd()) #master.geometry("700x500") self.master = master self.filename = None self.textarea = tk.Text(master) self.scroll = tk.Scrollbar(master, command = self.textarea.yview) self.textarea.configure(yscrollcommand = self.scroll.set) self.textarea.configure(font=("monospace", 16), bg="#e7e7e7") self.textarea.pack(side = tk.LEFT,fill = tk.BOTH,expand = True) self.scroll.pack(side = tk.RIGHT , fill = tk.Y) self.menubar = Menubar(self) self.bind_shortcuts() pst = "" if not os.isatty(stdin.fileno()): for p in stdin: pst += str(p[:-1]) + chr(10) self.textarea.insert(1.0, pst) try: if argv[1:][0]: self.filename = argv[1:][0] with open(self.filename, "r") as f: self.textarea.insert(1.0, self.set_window_title(self.filename + " - she " + self.ver + " - path:" + os.getcwd()) except: pass def set_window_title(self,name = None): if name: self.master.title(name) else: self.master.title("she " + self.ver + " - Untitled - path:" + os.getcwd()) def new_file(self,*args): self.textarea.delete(1.0,tk.END) self.filename = None self.set_window_title() def about(self,*args): nl = chr(10) text = "# about she " + self.ver + "\n\n# she is a text editor based on ej, which lets you run shell commands in the editor. to run the text on the current line, just use ctrl+t.\n\n# copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024, 2025 mn, fcr\n\n# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\n# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see" self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + text + " " + nl) def qu(self,*args): master.destroy() def ctrlt(self,*args): try: sf = self.filename except: sf = "" nl = chr(10) ; from os import popen as po try: selectflag = 0 sel = [""] sel = self.textarea.get(tk.SEL_FIRST, tk.SEL_LAST).split(nl) selectflag = 1 cmd = sel[0].rstrip() except: cmd = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END).split(nl) cmd = cmd[int(self.textarea.index(tk.INSERT).split(".")[0]) - 1] try: first = cmd.split()[0].lower() amp = (chr(32) + cmd.split(nl)[0]).rstrip()[-1] except: first = "" amp = "" if first == "cd": try: second = cmd.split()[1] ; os.chdir(second) ; self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + " " + nl) except: pass self.set_window_title("she " + self.ver + " - path:" + os.getcwd()) elif first == "=" + ">": try: second = cmd.split()[1] except: second = "" try: self.hist += ["=" + ">" + chr(32) + os.path.abspath(second)] if len(self.hist) > self.histlimit: self.hist = self.hist[-self.histlimit:] hists = chr(10).join(self.hist) + chr(10) with open(second, "r") as f: self.textarea.delete(1.0,tk.END) self.textarea.insert(1.0, hists + self.filename = second except: self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "unable to open " + second + ", might not exist or wrong folder " + nl) try: uwd = "/".join((second + ".html").split("/")[:-1]) os.chdir(uwd) ; self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + " " + nl) except: pass self.set_window_title(second + " - she " + self.ver + " - path:" + os.getcwd()) elif cmd.strip() == "cls": self.textarea.delete(tk.INSERT,tk.END) self.textarea.insert(tk.END, chr(32) + chr(10)) elif first == "appto": try: second = cmd.split()[1] added = "" with open(second, "a") as outfile: for each in sel[1:]: outfile.write((each + nl).encode('utf-8')) outfile.close() added = nl + "= added =" self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, added + nl + " " + nl) except: pass elif first == "mk": eno = -1 import sys try: second = cmd.lstrip()[len("mk") + 1:].split("|") except: second = [] try: eno = 0 f = [] if selectflag: selget = sel[1:] else: selget = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END).split(nl) bdir = os.getcwd() udir = '/home/' + os.getlogin() + '/she' try: os.chdir('/root/she') udir = '/root/she' except: pass os.chdir(bdir) try: if not udir in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, udir) import custom from custom import mkcustom reload(custom) from custom import mkcustom f = mkcustom(selget, second) except: f = [udir + '/ error'] os.chdir(bdir) except: pass self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "\n".join(f) + " " + nl) elif first == "sort": try: f = [] if selectflag: selget = sel[1:] else: selget = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END).split(nl) selget.sort() for each in selget: f += [each] except: pass self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "\n".join(f) + " " + nl) elif first == "rev": try: f = [] if selectflag: selget = sel[1:] else: selget = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END).split(nl) for each in selget: f += [each[::-1]] except: pass self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "\n".join(f) + " " + nl) elif first == "seek": try: second = cmd.lstrip()[len("seek") + 1:].split("|") f = [] if selectflag: selget = sel[1:] else: selget = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END).split(nl) for each in selget: for parts in second: if parts.lower() in each.lower(): f += [each] break except: pass self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "\n".join(f) + " " + nl) elif first == "unseek": try: second = cmd.lstrip()[len("unseek") + 1:].split("|") f = [] if selectflag: selget = sel[1:] else: selget = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END).split(nl) for each in selget: flag = 1 for parts in second: if parts.lower() in each.lower(): flag = 0 break if flag: f += [each] except: pass self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "\n".join(f) + " " + nl) elif first == "replace": try: second = cmd.lstrip()[len("replace") + 1:].split("|") f = [] rfrom = second[0].replace("\\n", "\n") rfto = second[1].replace("\\n", "\n") if selectflag: selget = sel[1:] else: selget = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END).split(nl) for each in "\n".join(selget).replace(rfrom, rfto).split("\n"): f += [each] except: pass self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "\n".join(f) + " " + nl) elif first == "saferbrowse": if self.saferbrowse == 0: self.saferbrowse = 1 self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "saferbrowse on " + nl) else: self.saferbrowse = 0 self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "saferbrowse off " + nl) elif first == "wcl": try: if selectflag: f = sel else: f = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END).split(nl)[1:] except: pass self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + str(len(f) - 1) + " " + nl) else: try: if amp == "&": if not ">" in cmd.split(nl)[0] or self.saferbrowse == 0: f = os.system(cmd.split(nl)[0].encode('utf-8')) self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + " " + nl) if ">" in cmd.split(nl)[0] and self.saferbrowse != 0: self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "saferbrowse is on; run the saferbrowse command to toggle file redirection " + nl) else: if first[0] != "*": if not ">" in cmd.split(nl)[0] or self.saferbrowse == 0: f = po(cmd.split(nl)[0].encode('utf-8')) self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + + " " + nl) if ">" in cmd.split(nl)[0] and self.saferbrowse != 0: self.textarea.insert(tk.INSERT, nl + "saferbrowse is on; run the saferbrowse command to toggle file redirection " + nl) except: pass def open_file(self,*args): self.filename = filedialog.askopenfilename( defaultextension = "", filetypes = [("All Files","*.*"), ("Text File","*.txt"), ("Python file","*.py"), ("FIG ","*.fig"), ("FIG PLUS ","*.fgp"), ("PAVUM","*.pav"), ("JavaScript","*.js"), ("HTML Documents","*.html"), ("CSS Document","*.css"), ("Markdown Document","*.*")] ) if self.filename: self.textarea.delete(1.0,tk.END) with open(self.filename, "r") as f: self.textarea.insert(1.0, self.set_window_title(self.filename + " - she " + self.ver + " - path:" + os.getcwd()) def save(self,*args): if self.filename: try: textarea_content = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END) with open(self.filename,"w") as f: f.write(textarea_content.encode('utf-8')) except Exception as e : print(e) else: self.save_as() def save_as(self,*args): try: new_file = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( initialfile = "untitled.txt", defaultextension = ".txt", filetypes = [("All Files", "*.*"), ("Text File", "*.txt"), ("Python file", "*.py"), ("FIG ", "*.fig"), ("FIG PLUS ", "*.fgp"), ("PAVUM", "*.pav"), ("JavaScript", "*.js"), ("HTML Documents", "*.html"), ("CSS Document", "*.css"), ("Markdown Document", "*.*")] ) textarea_content = self.textarea.get(1.0,tk.END) with open(new_file, "w") as f: f.write(textarea_content.encode('utf-8')) self.filename = new_file self.set_window_title(self.filename) except Exception as e: print(e) def bind_shortcuts(self): self.textarea.bind('<' + 'Control-n>', self.new_file) self.textarea.bind('<' + 'Control-o>', self.open_file) self.textarea.bind('<' + 'Control-s>', self.textarea.bind('<' + 'Control-S>', self.save_as) self.textarea.bind('<' + 'Control-b>', self.ctrlt) self.textarea.bind('<' + 'Control-t>', self.ctrlt) self.textarea.bind('<' + 'Control-q>', self.qu) if __name__ == "__main__": master = tk.Tk() pt = PyText(master) master.mainloop() ``` license: gpl, version 3 or later =>