free software resistance

 the cost of computing freedom is eternal vigilance

### fig-commands-ranked-by-frequency *originally posted:* nov 2024 this represents nearly a decade of use. on my local filesystem, the these fig commands are ranked by frequency: 1. shell - run shell commands 2. plus - add a number to a number, a string to a string or an item or array to an array 3. fig - complete a multiline command 4. print - output text to screen / stdout 5. prints - "print semicolon"; print/stay on line 6. colortext - change the colour that text is printed with 7. next - complete a multiline command, including a for loop 8. iftrue - conditonal based on non-zero numbers, non-zero-length strings or non-zero-length arrays 9. ifequal - conditional based on values matching 10. split - convert a string to an array based on a string separator 11. function - define a function 12. times - multiply a numeric or string value by a number 13. int - truncate a numeric value at the decimal point 14. chr - return a character based on numeric value 15. fprint - write text to a file 16. mid - get part of a string or array 17. join - join an array into a string 18. python - include inline python code 19. chdir - change the cwd 20. return - quit a function and return a value to the line that called it 21. instr - determine the location of a string in another string, or an item in an array 22. else - run conditional code if the condition is not true 23. swap - exchange values between two variables 24. forin - iterate though a string or array 25. minus - subtract a numeric value from another 26. len - return the length of a string 27. open - open a file for reading or writing 28. close - close a file opened with open 29. arrshell - run shell commands and pipe output back to array 30. for - start a for loop 31. try - begin trapping errors 32. except - if error encountered, run following code 33. ifmore - conditional 34. while - begin loop 35. arr - convert value to array that includes value 36. divby - divide number by next value on line 37. break - exit the loop 38. right - truncate string by length, keep right part 39. resume - same as fig or next, matches try/except 40. sleep - pause for n seconds 41. pass - does nothing, basically a placeholder for error trapping 42. reverse - reverse order of array or string 43. display - first use, stop updating graphics; each other use: update (obsolete, kept for compatibility) 44. ltrim - remove whitespace from left side of string 45. left - truncate string by length, keep left part 46. rtrim - remove whitespace from right side of string 47. randint - return pseudorandom number ranging from first to second number 48. sin - return sine of angle in radians 49. wend - same as fig or next, matches while loop 50. cos - return cosine of angle in radians 51. arrget - get a value from single item from array 52. line - draw a line 53. highlight - set background colour of text 54. lcase - remove capitalisation from each letter in string 55. val - convert string to numeric 56. ifless - true-based conditional 57. locate - move to row, column on screen or window 58. pset - draw a dot at coordinates with colour 59. lineinput - get a line of text from keyboard 60. arropen - return array including lines of text from file 61. str - return string value converted from numeric value 62. arrset - set main variable array item to next value on line 63. command - return array of command line parameters 64. mod - modulus 65. arrstdin - return array of all text piped into program 66. arrcurl - retrieve text from webpage online 67. get - set main variable to value of next variable on line (mostly obsolete, kept for compatibility) 68. not - convert false values to true, true values to false 69. asc - return ascii or unicode value of first character of string 70. sgn - return -1 if number < 0, return 0 if 0, return 1 if > 0 71. system - same as end 72. cls - clear the text screen 73. textmode - force text mode even if graphics commands used / pygame installed (obsolete, kept for compatibility) 74. end - quit program 75. arreverse - reverse contents of array 76. oct - return octal value of number 77. tan - return tangent of angle in radians 78. ucase - capitalise all letters in string 79. colourtext - same as colortext 80. sqr - return square root of number 81. nextin - same as fig or next, barely used 82. arrsort - sort contents of array 83. flineinput - get line of text from open file, meant to work with files too large for arropen 84. graphics - switch from textmode to graphics mode (obsolete, kept for compatibility) 85. time - return a string with hh:mm:ss format 86. hex - convert number to hex value 87. topwr - raise a number to the power of n 88. date - return a string containing the date in mm/dd/yyyy format 89. timer - return the number of second since midnight 90. atn - return the arctangent of an angle in radians ``` for each in $(find . -type f -name '*.fig') ; do cat $each | ./ ; done | tr "|" " " | tr ")" " " | tr "(" " " | tr ":" " " | tr "-" " " | tr "." " " | tr ";" " " | tr "=" " " | tr " " "\n" | tr A-Z a-z | sort | uniq -c | sort -n ``` ``` cat ./noqc.fig p arrstdin q 34 chr c "#" forin each p buf arr mid 1 0 isq 0 isc 0 forin l each iftrue isq ifequal l q isq 0 next else ifequal l q isq 1 else buf plus l next next next each join buf "" buf arr mid 1 0 forin l each iftrue isc ifequal l c isc 1 next else ifequal l c isc 1 else buf plus l next next next each join buf "" print next ``` license: 0-clause bsd ``` # 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ``` =>